An Adsense - Yahoo Publisher Network Comparison

As more and more people are hosting their own webpage or pages, advertisers have learned how to make contact with the audiences who visit the pages. And not just randomly either; there are now advertising programs that target ads specifically to the site that the person is viewing. They are called contextual advertising programs because they search through the context and content of a page and identify keywords. They return ads to that page that the program believes would be relevant and interesting to the viewer. For example, if you are visiting a website on low fat recipes, you might find ads about low fat products or weight loss products.

Affiliate Marketers Will Never Make a Dime Using Google Adwords

Most people start off their affiliate marketing business by getting traffic from google adwords. I know, because that’s how I started. If your anything like me, you purchased Google Cash or another pay per click ebook and you set up your first campaign. Later on after many campaigns you found out that it was a lot harder than you originally thought.

Adwords Miracle: My Personal Experience

Apparently the guy who wrote Adwords Miracle went from flat broke to earning almost $2000 a week within 6 months. He reckons a 100-500% return on investment is what we should be shooting for……well; my ROI is nothing like that with adwords so I decided to give adwords miracle a whirl.